Fun classes are $10 and will include Best Rednose, Best Black, Best Conditioned, Best Blue, Best Buckskin, Judges Choice, and Junior Handler.
The fun classes will be divided up with the exception of Judges Choice and Junior Handler.Junior Handler will be broken down to 6 and under, 7 to 11, and 12 to 16.
Our Judges will be Stoney Green from North Carolina for the first show and Tonya from Cold Steel Pits for the second show.
You can register your dog the day of the show for only $5 with a copy of the dogs pedigree.Registration forms can be printed off of our website, $5 registration fee only applies to dogs entered in the conformation shows.
The fees for the conformation show is $15 per entry.Registration starts at 8am sharp and will end at 10am for the first show.We will continue to register until the start of the second show for the second show entries.The first show will start promptly at 11am.
There will be food concessions ran by the Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency with all of the food proceeds going to help them towards their upcoming community service projects.They will be cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner!!!
Non-food vendors are welcome and encouraged.We just ask for a donation to the club for our raffle.
We will adhere to all AADR Rules and Regulations and NO EXCEPTIONS will be made for human aggressive dogs and those without crates for their dogs.
Photos will be taken and CDs with show photos for sale after the show to be mailed to those who order one.
Address for mapquest is:NE 130th Ter.Raiford, FL32083